
We want to welcome you to the First Congregational Church, UCC at the heart of Wallingford, Connecticut.

We are a vibrant church that is both steeped in history and on the move. We have been at the corner of Center Street and South Main Street since 1675 and yet, exciting new things are happening here.

Ministry through a congregation is all about relationship. We intentionally gather together to explore and grow our relationships with God and with fellow seekers.

  • We are working hard to offer an open and inclusive welcome to ALL people. We want to welcome you if you are longing to find meaning and purpose, a place to belong, and a way to serve with others to transform lives and make a difference. We are an Open and Affirming church and offer an authentic and loving welcome to all who seek a relationship with God. 
  • We aren’t about testing your faith through a rigid set of beliefs. We ARE about learning and growing together through weekly worship, Bible and book study, intergenerational gatherings, shared meals, and opportunities to serve.
  • We don’t stop with simply learning “about” God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We want to live out our faith and find ways that our church can engage and impact the people and the community around us.
  • We are committed to ministry with children and youth. We are currently seeking ways to innovate and imagine new possibilities so that our young people will not only experience a faith foundation, but will carry what they have experienced into becoming the best people they can be, no matter where they ultimately land in life.
  • We are experiencing what some would call a transitional time. We are embracing the shift that is underway and view it as a time that’s ripe with new possibilities.

Come join us as we explore who and what we hope to become in the months and years ahead. While still steeped in our rich history, we are discerning who God is now calling us to be for this time and place. You are more than welcome to join us and become an important part of this active faith community.

The bottom line is this…

  • If you are a seeker or a doubter … you are welcome here.
  • If you have more questions than answers … you are welcome here.
  • If you are looking for a place to express your creativity and live authentically … you are welcome here.
  • If you are a long time member of the United Church of Christ or someone coming from a different faith tradition, or no faith tradition … you are welcome here.
  • No matter what your family looks like … you are welcome here.

Join us for worship and coffee hour so that we can say, “Hello!” Or feel free to call our church office if you have further questions.

We look forward to meeting and getting to know you!

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