Pastoral Care

In addition to the celebration of life transitions – weddings, baptisms, funeral and memorial services - our minister is available for pastoral care and conversations when members and friends of the church are struggling with difficult life situations, wrestling with faith questions and dilemmas, suffering from grief or health crises, and more. 

The pastor visits and reaches out to members who are hospitalized, ill or have suffered a recent loss. She also works closely with the Deacons and our Stephen Ministry team in the care of our church family.

If you would like to speak with our pastor, please feel free to email or call to make an appointment. She will do her best to see you as soon as possible.

If you or someone you know connected with the congregation is being hospitalized or facing another particularly urgent situation in health or life, please let the pastor or the church office know as soon as possible… our pastor wants to be able to be of support and care in these times!

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