"The Lord's Prayer"--A Choral Sermon, Reprised

Still photos can't capture the magnificence of the Choral Sermon, "The Lord's Prayer--A Journey through the Lord's Prayer" by Pepper Choplin, offered to us on Sunday, Nov. 17.

This cantata, published in 2014, is a contemporary work, and reflects issues that we encounter every day. It focuses on The Lord's Prayer, which we all say together every Sunday. Sometimes we say the prayer out of habit and don't really reflect on what the words mean. The first piece in the cantata is entitled "We Are Not Alone" and sets the basic message of the work. Pictures of our church people as well as nature were projected on the screen to provide another dimension of the meaning of the words.

All the musicians, instrumentalists and singers--under Jeanette's leadership--were glorious.

The photo images alongside the choir enhanced the musical experience, and it was a truly spirit filled worship.

Thanks to all who worked so hard to create a beautiful moment--and if you missed it, check it out online!

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