Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt--A First Church Tradition

The Youth Groups and the Confirmation Class will be conducting their 25th Annual Thanksgiving Scavenger Hunt on Sunday, November 18, 2018. 

Your generosity will make a real impact on needy families in our community, truly showing how Faith Makes a Difference. The Thanksgiving baskets will be distributed through our Covenant to Care social workers, with any additional non-perishable foods being donated to the Thanksgiving Community Dinner and Holiday for Giving.

You can help by setting aside items that will be picked up on the afternoon of November 18 and letting the church office know that you will have items to pick up - giving us your name and address. Or you can fill out the form available below in the upcoming weeks and place it in the offering plate or drop it off at the church office.

Items we will be collecting include: Turkey (frozen), pies (fresh or frozen), potatoes (fresh & instant), fresh fruit, fruit cocktail, canned vegetables, stuffing mix, rice, gravy, olives, dinner mints/ candy, fruit juice, sweet potatoes/ yams, cranberry sauce, pickles, squash, peanut butter, jelly/ jam, crackers, cereal (hot & cold), soup, tuna, baby food (not formula), and other non-perishable items.

This has always been a blessed event for all who participate in any way.  Thank you for your generosity!

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