A Special Guest

As part of our Open and Affirming journey, the ONA Team invited a special guest, Rev. Shawn Fiedler, to preach and lead conversation following the 10:00 a.m. worship service.

Rev. Fielder is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, is currently serving Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago and their affiliate non-profit Chicago Lights as a Major Gift Officer--and is a cousin of one of our church members!

He shared stories of how important it is to be a church community that openly shares God's love, and to truly include all in our welcome. That through his experience with social media, he has learned how hungry young people are for a place of love and acceptance, and not of judgment.

He shared the cost of proclaiming God's love, when he was attacked and condemned as not being a true witness of the Bible. 

Following worship, folks gathered around the tables for good snacks and thought-provoking conversation about what it means to be a truly accepting community of faith.

To be Open and Affirming is to proclaim that we want to be a welcoming faith family that accepts all and rejects none.  We do this for the people who aren't here yet--for those who are seeking a spiritual home. 

And we do it for ourselves, and to fulfill our mission, because of God's radical call to love our neighbor.

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