Generosity Sunday--May 19, 2024

The compelling message that Pastor Meredith presented in the April 14, 2024 Sunday service introduced what your Stewardship Committee is calling Generosity Sunday. We believe that this new term best supports this year's pledge theme: "Because of YOU, our church changes lives."

In order for us to continue to change lives together, we need you to be generous with your pledge commitment on this joyful day we are calling Generosity Sunday, May 19, 2024.  Please join us during worship for this important and special moment in the life of our congregation, and stay for a light lunch following. 

Our generosity has many positive impacts, best represented by the five ministries that we practice: Worship, Mission and Outreach, Faith Formation, Congregational Care and Membership.
Through these five ministries, the First Congregational Church of Wallingford does indeed change lives.

Among the many lives we change are those of our Sunday School children, those for whom we pray and visit each week, the many families we reach through the monthly mission drives, the recipients of the work done and friendships made on our annual Mission Trip, and the people who benefit from our partnership with the Connecticut Department of Children and Families.

In the year 2025, we will also be celebrating the 350th Anniversary of our church. The First Congregational Church of Wallingford has been an important part of our town for all of it's history! We will be marking this accomplishment in many ways, and that is another joyful mission to look forward to.

We have much to be proud of, and are reaching out to everyone to help us continue God's work. We ask that you prayerfully, joyfully and generously share your gifts with your pledge commitment.

Working together, we have lots to do. We look forward to celebrating with you on May 19th!

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