Who We Are

In 1669, a small group of men and women set out from New Haven colony, traveling by oxen cart into the wilderness to establish a new church and a new community: Wallingford. The church was sited at the top of a hill, above the river, and the settlement grew around it. In all aspects, The First Congregational Church was literally the center of the town.

350 years later, descendants of those original settlers still sit in our pews, along with families newly arrived and from many religious and non-religious backgrounds. From the first small structure of hewn logs 344 years ago, our church has grown, been rebuilt, burned, grown again; our spire is the tallest silhouette on the hill, pointing heavenward towards the light.

Behind our doors and under that spire, the light of God still shines. Our church is welcoming, friendly and open to all. We enjoy dynamic programs for children and youth. There are many opportunities for involvement in music. Lay leadership and participation are the cornerstones of our community. We support many unique mission and outreach projects.  The vision for our community is that our faith, rooted in the compassion and teachings of Jesus Christ, is the foundation of our love for one another and service to the world around us.  We proclaim ourselves an Open and Affirming church. 

We are a warm and inviting community, where any member, from any background or life experience, can play a role in the life of the church.  We are congenial, not cliquey; people accept each other without regard to background, profession or political differences. We work well together, like to laugh, and share great joy and friendship with one another.

We have a strong liturgical tradition of worship, familiar to many who join us from other denominations, and also enjoy varied and contemporary music and worship experiences.  Preaching is based in scripture and relates to everyday life.

We are all called to be “children of God...to shine like stars in the world.” (Philippians 2:15) As God called out men and women so many years ago to bring God’s light to a new place, we at The First Congregational Church of Wallingford strive to share that light with our community and the world.  It is our mission to foster spiritual growth, loving communication and mutual care, thereby empowering us to confront issues that impact our community and the world, including poverty, isolation and exclusion.

We are a member of the United Church of Christ, a denomination that celebrates diversity and inclusiveness.  “No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” 

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